Thursday, May 18, 2006

And you give yourself away

Lying on my back staring at the ceiling
Thoughts float thick in the air
darkness filled with sound
a heavy arm reaches for someone that's not there
Heart pounding into the night

Bright sky
laughing talking pretending
Fun in the sun
Safety in spite of yourself
She's cute - ask her out

Who knows? Not you.
It's nice to be liked, but is it real?
Do I trust that I'm not just lonely
Do I think she won't reject me
What does it matter - I need to try

Just because I'm alive doesn't mean I'm broken
Feeling something doesn't mean it needs to be pain
Being without doesn't mean you aren't worthy
The key to being present is to be there for their needs, not your desires

Kissing isn't THAT important
It's pretty important...
but if your goal is to drive your car all the time you will eventually run out or gas or get into an accident.


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