Mein Hut, er hat Drei Ecken

Have you ever had one of those days where you just know things are going to be great, except you don't know how? I dreamt last night that I was meeting someone I knew but forgot about in a place called Montauk. Yes, this is from a movie. I dream about movies a lot, and they usually center around me - IE; I'm the main character. Anyhow - I didn't want to go to work, so I called in sick and I got on a train to Montauk. I kept seeing this face that I recognised, but didn't know who it was. I saw her on the train, I saw her at the station I saw her on the beach. Then I saw her at this house that was empty... Yeah, it was just like the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (one of my all time favorite movies). Then I woke up. I couldn't remember her face. I didn't want to go to work. I went to work anyway.
Life has a funny way of encouraging you to continue, even if you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. At work I was reminded of three things I was supposed to have had done already, but none of which were more important than what I had been doing instead. That didn't change the fact that I had forgotten about them over the weekend. No skin off my nose, but still it kinda feels like I'm sinking and not swimming fast enough. Not a good feeling, but hey - I have a migrane today, so it's alright, right? Of course right.
Sitting all day
Wanting to play
Having to say;
have it your way
I want to scream
You're in my dream
so it would seem
letting off steam
fluffy like cream
Drei ecken hat mein hut/und hat er nicht drei ecken/dan er ist mein hut nicht! (Or, however you spell it.)
Main Hut, er hat drei Ecken
Drei Ecken hat mein Hut
Und Haette er nicht drei Ecken
Dann waere er nicht mein Hut!
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